Love My Style! SKU: 143700

Congratulations on taking steps to Love Your Style! This mini-course is delivered in 4 videos all under 20 minutes plus a workbook to help you create your signature style and express your personality in your appearance. You deserve to feel beautiful and confident in your skin, and I can teach you how. It's time to bring your STYLE SIZZLE back!

Once your payment is processed you'll be able to gain instant access to all the resources, videos, and workbook. You'll be emailing me your homework assignments, and I'll give you instant style feedback. I'm with you every step of the way to answer your style questions, review your style photos, and give style advice.

Note: The personality assessment quiz referenced in this course is no longer available. If you'd like to take a personality assessment, I'll be happy to recommend another one for you. If you've taken a Myers Briggs or DISC assessment in the past you can use that in your homework assignment.

After you've completed this program, you may want to continue your style transformation by attending the rest of the program, so stay tuned for a special gift offer from me in a few days.

Welcome to our Love My Confidence Community!

Linda, Stylist to Women Over Fifty


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